Animals (животные)
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This animal is orange with white and black stripes. It has big teeth. This...
The crocodile is … than the frog.
It’s big. It’s a domestic animal. It gives us milk. It’s a…
This animal is orange. It lives in the forest. It’s a…
It’s a domestic animal. It’s little. It likes milk. It’s a…
What animals are domestic?
- …is your pet? – It’s three.
It’s a farm animal. It’s pink. It’s a…
It’s little. It’s green and brown. It has got a short tail and four short legs. It’s a…
It’s a farm animal. It eats grass. It’s white or black. It’s a…
The elephant has got a…
It’s a domestic animal. It can talk and fly. It’s a…
The duck’s tail is … than the cat’s one.
Dolphins are the … animals.
It’s brown. It can be big or little. It’s funny. It likes bananas. It’s a…
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